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People will give their blood, sweat and tears to their work. 

However they will only do this when the conditions are right.


You can't persuade them to do it. You can't con them into it.

The way it works is this:

You give them what they need: you give them respect, identity, meaning, trust and as much freedom as you can. And then if you are open and honest with them, if you really consistenty strive to understand and connect with them, they will give you what you need. If you fulfil their legitinate needs as human beings they will fulfil your needs.

You have to know your people. You can't stake your success on a group of people and not know them.

People have a deep human need to have their uniqueness and their individuality recognised. To be known and understood. It must be recognised, celebrated and be allowed to find expression.

Its hard to treat your people fairly and to recognise their individuality when you view them as inherently unequal. Unfortunately many leaders and managers look down on their people. This, quite rightly, has a de-motivating effect on people.

No-one wants to work for "just another manager" or "just another team". People want to work somewhere that provides them with identity and meaning.

Human emotion is the most powerful tool that exists to grow a team or an organisation or a business. This is something that seems to be lost on most leaders. There is an epidemic of quite justified cynicism inside organisations.

There has to be an alignment of the needs of the organisation and the needs of its people for identity and meaning so that emotion can be leveraged for the benefit of all.


+44 7449 848422

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